Monday, 7 March 2016

SharePoint workflow stopped working – error: Unable to properly communicate with the workflow service

All SP workflows in the SharePoint site, suddenly stopped working!
When I tried to republish a workflow, I got this error: “Unable to properly communicate with the workflow service”


Verify that all the following Windows NT services are started:
a.       WorkflowServiceBackend
b.       Service Bus Backend
c.       Service Bus Gateway
d.       FabricHostSvc

1.       Open IIS Manager.
2.       Under Application Pools, right-click WorkflowMgmtPool, and select Recycle… from the context menu.

In IIS find out the WorkflowHostUri
Run the below PowerShell command as an admin:
Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite "http://localhost/" -WorkflowHostUri "http://localhost:12291/" -AllowOAuthHttp –Force